From Spring to Summer

Life happens...Milestones, birthdays, papers, projects…sometimes these things consume my life. Priorities shift. I can get boggled down with stuff and when I look up…time has flown! It’s June…June! Half of 2014 is gone. With all of that being said, I realize that sometimes you have to spend more time focusing on things that may not seem as fun or engaging, but yet and still are important. And that’s okay. I’m learning that occasionally I have to deny myself momentary pleasures for the greater gain. 

I do remember my mother saying all the time, "All work and no play still makes Jack a dull boy." No offense to the Jacks out there, but even in my adulthood I still find it hard to sometimes find that perfect balance between work and play. But I’m working on that…I’m sure some of you are too. So in those moments when I can share my joys of fashion with you, when I can share new and exciting finds, when I can get out and play a little, I enjoy them. I cherish them. I know life will shift, it’s ever changing and the enjoyable moments will become more frequent. For the time being, I do the best that I can. So here I am ready to share again. But enough rambling for now and on to what you came here for :). Although I’m sure you don’t mind hearing my musings…

So I know you’re probably thinking, WHY does this girl have on a blazer and tights? Is it not almost summer? Trust me, there IS a method to my madness. This winter and into spring I really tried to find ways to use some of my summer pieces by adding tights or jackets to make the outfit more fitting for colder weather. Also with the temperamental weather we’ve been having (cold to chilly mornings with warm to sizzling afternoons), sometimes it’s hard to know what to wear!

Anyhow, I particularly wanted to highlight the versatility of these shorts. As you may have noticed, I pretty much love high waist anything. These shorts are no exception…and if you throw off the tights and remove the blazer this outfit can easily transfer to the summer months.  You can also swap out the lace long sleeve shirt for a cooler silk or short sleeve lace top. If you’re in air conditioned buildings frequently like me, then maybe long sleeves will work after all :).

I hope you all enjoy and I welcome your feedback about whether or not you wear some of your summer pieces in the winter. Until next time! 

P.S. So Scrole Vision and I argued for about an hour about whether or not my nail polish was green or black. He thought black and of course, I contested! His camera settled our score, and he didn’t believe me until he saw the picture :). It’s always fun shooting with him! Check out his link below!! 

Outfit Details: 
Shorts: Vintage (Similar here)

Blazer: Vintage (Similar here)

Top: [Old] Forever 21 (Similar here)

Tights: [Old] JCPenny (Similar here