The Jacket I Wore in the Snow...

Snow Days equals days off. Sometimes.  It might be the only thing I love about winter. Well, I generally like snow (if I'm home) and LOVED building snowmen with my siblings. My sister didn't have such fond memories. She told me just last week that she is disgusted by the cold and always has been. As she talked,  the memories of frozen fingers and toes became vivid in her her children, home from school, begged her to go outside...and the snow.

Growing up, we had a massive hill behind our home and I remember crafting, ever so diligently and purposefully, the largest snowball, ever. It was perfect. Perfect for my larger than life snowman. Then came along my brother. With his larger than life tree branch. He hacked away at my beautiful snowball until it became what looked like snowflakes.  Mist. Gone. Well, also gone are the days of playing in the snow as a child. Now, as an adult, snow involves shoveling (well, watching my husband shovel from behind my window...I do help sometimes), and waking up in the cool (freeze is more accurate) of the morning to get ready to brave the weather.

But who says the fun has to stop? This time I didn't let it. Out in the snow I went, reusing pieces (shorts) that I easily wore during the summer (will show you all that in the future) and added a vintage element (double-breasted blazer).  So there you have it. I embraced the moment, relaxed a little, and played in the snow...just like old times. 

As always, I thank my fabulous photographer from JAR. Check him out! Links below!